Fijian Art and Material Culture

Essays, papers and articles by Rod Ewins

o Full bibliography of books and articles by Rod Ewins

o An Introduction to Fijian Art [excerpt from Fijian Artefacts in Tasmania, 2014: 7-9]

o The acoustic properties of the Fijian "slit gongs" [Published as Chapter 17 in Art and Performance in Oceania, Edited by Barry Craig, Bernie Kernot and Christopher Anderson. Bathurst (NSW), Crawford House Publishing. 1999: 173-8]

o Barkcloth and the Development of Paper [Published in Conference Papers,1st National Paper Conference. Hobart, Papermakers of Australia.1987, 11-15]

o Dard Hunter and the Bark-Paper of the Pacific [Published as Chapter 4 IN Speaking of paper…The Anita Lynn Forgach keynote speakers, Edited by Whitney S. Baker. Chillicothe (OH): Friends of Dard Hunter, Inc. 2010: 39-57

o The Fiji collections of the South Australian Museum [annotated database 2001 ongoing]

o Fijian dress and body modification [Published as Chapter 11 IN Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion. Vol.7 "Polynesia". Oxford, Berg Fashion Library, Ltd. 2010: 435-43]

o Fijian Pottery (illustrated monograph that accompanied an exhibition)

o  A Fijian Potter at the Tasmanian School of Art [Published in Pottery in Australia. Aug. 1987: 66-67]  

o Lali, the drums of Fiji [Published as full-issue article in Domodomo, Fiji Museum Quarterly 1986: 4(4) ]

o New ambitions: World War II as stimulus for the bark-cloth industry of Vatulele Island, Fiji. Presented at a Special Session of the Pacific Arts Association: Festschrift to Honor Dr Philip J.C. Dark, Oct 20-24, 1999. Published pp.245-58 in "Proceedings Working Papers, Robert L. Welsh ed., Chicago, Field Museum 1999.

o Outsider curiosity, indigenous agency, and cultural imperialism. The trade in Fijian objects. [Online only. The original version of this paper was presented at the conference “Imperial Curiosity: Objects, Representations, Knowledges”, Hobart, Tasmania, June 27th-29th 2007].

o The perils of provenance; the documentation of the Johnson Fiji Collection in the South Australian Museum

o Proto-Polynesian Art? The cliff-paintings of Vatulele, Fiji [Published in Journal of the Polynesian Society 1995, 103(1): 23-74]

o Re-imagining identity and re-configuring barkcloth in Fiji [Published as un-numbered chapter IN Made in Oceania: tapa - art and social landscapes / Tapa - Kunst und Lebenswelten. Bilingual in English and German]. Mesenhöller, Peter and Oliver Lueb (eds.),  Köln (Cologne): Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum. 2013: 82-97]

o The red barkcloths of Fiji: Na masi damu ni Viti

o Several myths surrounding Fijian art [Talk given to the Oceanic Art Society, Sydney Australia, 24 Sept. 2014]

o Symmetry and Semiotics: the case of Fijian barkcloth figuration [Chapter 9 IN Embedded symmetries, natural and cultural (Amerind New World Studies Series), D.Washburn (ed.) Albuquerque (NM) : University of New Mexico Press in cooperation with the Amerind Foundation. 2004: 161-183 ]

o Traditional Craft in Developing Countries: Living Fossil or Living Art? [Conference Keynote Address published in First South Pacific Arts Conference Report. Suva, Fiji Ministry of Education. 1980: 42-56]

o Traditional Fijian Artefacts 2014 — Reviews by Dr Crispin Horwath, Curator of Pacific Art at the National Gallery of Australia, and Dr Barry Craig, Curator of Pacific Ethnology at the South Australian Museum.

o Two important Fijian whale teeth in Tasmania [Published in Kanunnah 6, 2013: 94-107.] {Kanunnah is the annual research journal of the Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery.}

©Ewins2015 All of these articles and pictures are copyright. Apart from those uses permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (as amended), no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the author.

Background picture: Women of the Nalimolevu clan preparing gifts of masi (bark-cloth) at a lifting-of-mourning ceremony, Vatulele, Fiji.

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STAYING FIJIAN:Vatulele Island barkcloth and social identity by Rod Ewins

TRADITIONAL FIJIAN ARTEFACTS: Illustrated with objects from public and private collections in Tasmania by Rod Ewins

o Photographs of Fiji

o Engravings in old books on Fiji

o Other Pacific Papers

o Essays/articles on art and education

LINKS : Fiji Museum | Pacific Museums | South Australian Museum Fiji collection