Roderick Ewins, Ph.D.




Click on all titles in blue to link to further detail and/or full text online




Anthropology publications



(a) Books  on Fijian art


1982a  Fijian Artefacts: the Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery Collection. Hobart, Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Hobart.

1982b Mat-weaving in Gau, Fiji. Suva, Fiji Museum

1999 Ethnic Art and Ritual in the Negotiation of Identity: the Social Role of Bark-cloth in Vatulele Island, Fiji. Unpublished PhD Thesis, School of Sociology & Social Work, University of Tasmania

2009  Staying Fijian: Vatulele Island barkcloth and social identityAdelaide (S.A.), Crawford House Publishing Australia & Honolulu (HI), University of Hawaii Press.

2014 Traditional Fijian Artefacts: illustrated with objects from public and private collections in Tasmania. Hobart: Just Pacific, in association with the Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery and Queen Victoria Museum & Art Gallery.


(b) Book chapters  and papers on Fijian art, and on the anthropology of art


1980 "Traditional Craft in Developing Countries: Living Fossil or Living Art?" Keynote Address in First South Pacific Arts Conference Report. Suva, Fiji Ministry of Education. pp.42-56

1987a "Lali: the Drums of Fiji", Domodomo: Fiji Museum Quarterly 4(4): 142-169 (see also 1999, below)

1987b "Bark-cloth and the Origins of Paper " in Conference Papers,1st National Paper Conference. Hobart, Papermakers of Australia.pp.11-15

1987c Fijian Pottery [Exhibition cat., text, photography, design, 8 p.,9 b&w illustrations, map) Hobart, University of Tasmania

1987d "A Fijian Potter at the University of Tasmania" in Pottery in Australia. Aug. p.66-67 (1 col. illustration)

1987-2010. "Paper: essays on origins and relationship to barkcloth."

1995 "Proto-Polynesian art? The Cliff Paintings of Vatulele, Fiji" in Journal of the Polynesian Society 103(1): 23-74 [map, 14 figs, 17 photos]

1998.  "Social stress, art and community". In Imprint, the Quarterly Journal of the Print Council of Australia 33(Summer): 2-4.

1999 "The Acoustic Properties of Fijian 'Slit-gongs'" in Art and Performance in Oceania, Eds Barry Craig, Bernie Kernot and Christopher Anderson. Bathurst (NSW): Crawford House Press, Chapter 17, pp.173-178 (see also 1987a, above)

2000 "All Things Bright and Beautiful, Or All Things Wise And Wonderful? Objects From Island Oceania in The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery" in Pacific Arts 15 & 16: 71-87

2000.  Fiji Coup 2000: some notes and essays by Rod Ewins. Online articles.

2000.  Fiji's mythical edifices of unity. Online article.

2001.  Paper: origins, significance, substance. Online articles.

2001  “Fiji’s New Western Confederacy” Published as book chapter In Lal, Brij Vatulele and Michael Pretes (eds): Coup: Reflections on the Political Crisis in Fiji. Canberra, Pandanus Press (Australian National University), Ch.19, pp.107-112 (originally published on as an online article). (Whole book available as free pdf download from

2004 "Symmetry and semiotics: the case of Fijian bark-cloth figuration"  Chapter 9, Embedded symmetries, natural and cultural (Amerind New World Studies Series). D.Washburn (ed). Albuquerque (NM), University of New Mexico Press. pp.161-183. Publisher's note.

2007 "The perils of ethnographic provenance; the documentation of the Johnson Fiji collection in the South Australian Museum." Chapter 3 IN Hunting the collectors; Pacific collections in Australian museums, art galleries and archives, Susan Cochrane and Max Quanchi (eds). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 33-67.

2010 "Dard Hunter and the 'bark-paper' of the Pacific: insights into technical, technological, and cultural affinities." Chapter 4 IN Speaking of paper…The Anita Lynn Forgach keynote speakers, edited by Whitney S. Baker. Chillicothe (OH): Friends of Dard Hunter, Inc. pp.39-57

2010 "Fijian Dress and Body Modifications," IN Vol.7, Part 11, "Polynesia". Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion, Oxford (U.K.), Berg Fashion Library pp.435-43

2013. October. "Re-imagining identity and re-configuring barkcloth in Fiji / Identitätswandel und die Neugestaltung von Rindenstoff in Fiji". Ch. 8 In  Made in Oceania. Tapa—Kunst und Lebenswelten / Art and social landscapes. [Bilingual in English and German]. Mesenhöller, Peter and Oliver Lueb (eds.),  Köln (Cologne): Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum Kulturen der Welt. pp. 82-97.

2013. December. "Two important whale-tooth ivory objects from Fiji, hidden under the sobriquet of "scrimshaw" in the L. Crowther Library Collection, Hobart". Kanunnah 6: 94-107

2014.  ÒSeveral myths surrounding Fijian traditional art.Ó Text of Illustrated talk at Meeting, Oceanic Art Society, Sydney. 24 Sep 2014.

2017 "The red barkcloths of Fiji—na masi damu ni Viti". Ch. in Charleaux, Michel (ed.) Tapa, de l'écorce à l'étoffe: art millénaire d'Océanie. De l'Asie du Sud-Est à la Polynésie Orientale / Tapa, from tree bark to cloth: an ancient art of Oceania. From Southeast Asia to Eastern Polynesia [Text in French and in English] (Éditions d'Art). Paris: Somogy with Association TAPA, Tahiti. pp.166-171


 (c) Video on Fijian art


Ewins, Rod; Leigh Hobba; Amele Nacewa and Kiti Makasiale 1987. Kuro: the work of master potter Amele Nacewa. (VHS (PAL & NTSC) Video). Hobart: The University of Tasmania


 (d) Book reviews by Rod Ewins


1983 "Future Directions in the Study of the Arts of Oceania" Judith Huntsman (ed). Mankind 4(2):141-2

1999 "The Poetic Power of Place: Comparative Perspectives on Austronesian Ideas of Locality" James J.Fox. The Australian Journal of Anthropology 10(1):104-5

2001a "The Maori and the Crown: An indigenous people's struggle for self- determination" By Dora Alves. Pacific Affairs 74(2): 292-293

2001b "Fiji before the storm: elections and the politics of development" Brij Lal (ed) Pacific Affairs 74(2): 298-299

2001c "Confronting Fiji futures" Akram-Lodhi (ed) Pacific Affairs 74(2): 300-302

2001d  "Kie hingoa 'named mats', 'Ie toga 'fine mats' and other treasured textiles of Samoa and Tonga" (JPS Special Issue) Pacific Arts 23-24: 123-6

2002a "Living on the fringe: Melanesians in Fiji." Winston Halapua. Pacific Affairs 75(3): 501-2 Fall 2002

2002b. “The traditional pottery of Papua New Guinea” May & Tuckson. Pacific Arts 23-24: 129-31

2003 "Represented communities: Fiji and world decolonization." John D. Kelly and Martha Kaplan. Pacific Affairs 75(4): 654-5 January 2003

2004 “Samoan art & artists: O Measina a Samoa." Sean Mallon. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. 2002. Pacific Affairs 77(2):384-5  July.

2005  The method of hope: anthropology, philosophy and Fijian knowledge." Hirozaku Miyazaki. Stanford (CA): Stanford University Press. 2004. Pacific Affairs 78(2):336-7

2006 "After the Rush. Regulation, Participation, and Chinese Communities in Australia 1860-1940." Edited by Sophie Couchman, John Fitzgerald and Paul Macgregor. Victoria (Australia): Otherland Literary Journal (Special Issue No 9). 2004 Pacific Affairs 79(2) July

2009 “Pacific Pattern” by Susanne Küchler & Graeme Were. London. Thames & Hudson, 2005. Museum Anthropology Review 3(2).

2010 "OCEANIA: Art of the Pacific Islands in The Metropolitan Museum of Art." By Eric Kjellgren. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art; New Haven and London: Yale University Press. 2007. Pacific Affairs. 83(1): 220-221 Spring, March 2010

2010 July "Collective creativity: Art and society in the South Pacific," by Katherine Giuffre. Anthropology and Cultural History in Asia and the Indo-Pacific Series, Ashgate, Farnham and Burlington, 2009. Anthropological Forum 20(2):176–178

2011 (900 word review) "Pacific Images: Views from Captain Cook’s Third Voyage", by Eleanor C. Nordyke and James A. Mattison Jr. Privately published, Distributed by University of Hawai’i Press, Honolulu. Second Edition, 2008. Museum Anthropology Review 5(1-2): 76-79.

2016  “Four degrees of global warming: Australia in a Hot World.” Edited by Peter Christoff. Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2013. Pacific Affairs 89(2): 496-8.

2016. "Compte rendu de The pearl frontier. Indonesian labor and indigenous encounters in Australia’s northern trading network, de Julia Martínez & Adrian Vickers". In Le Journal de la Société des Océanistes [Special Issue: Du corps à l’image. La réinvention des performances culturelles en Océanie] 142-143 (1): 296-99.


(e) Consultancies


1999 Oct. F.H.Williams Museum of Papermaking (Atlanta GA, USA). Survey, photographing and cataloguing of Dard Hunter collection of Pacific bark-cloth.

2001 Sept-Oct. South Australian Museum, Adelaide. Survey, photographing and detailed comment on collection of some 900 Fiji items.

2005 May-Sept. UNESCO: Evaluation of submission to UNESCO by Uganda, for possible proclamation of Uganda traditional barkcloth as a “Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity”. R.Ewins produced 7,000 word report recommending proclamation under specified conditions. Recommendation accepted by UNESCO and proclamation duly made in Dec. 2005 .

2007 February. Victoria Museum, Melbourne. Survey, Survey and detailed comment on collection of some 1,000 Fiji items.

2009 May. Australian Museum, Sydney. Survey. Survey and detailed comment (in database form) on collection of Fiji material.

2009 September. Queensland Art Gallery. Consultation on catalogue and didactic leaflet preparation for exhibition "Paperskin: Barkcloth across the Pacific", 31Oct.09 —14 Feb.10

2011 May-June. Survey and detailed comment (in database form) on collections of Fiji material in: Grassi Museum, Leipzig; University Ethnology Museum, Göttingen; Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum, Köln; Saffron Walden Museum, Essex; National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh.

2015 April. (Invited and sponsored) Survey and detailed comment (in database form) on Rev. George Brown collections of Fiji material and Pacific barkcloth, in Minpaku, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan.


 (f) Citations of published material of R. Ewins (in Author alphabetical order)

Anderson, Athol J. and Geoffrey Clark  2001. "The pattern of Lapita settlement in Fiji". In Archaeology in Oceania 36(1): 77-88.

Barker, John & Hermkens, Anna-Karina. 2016. "The Mothers' Union goes on strike: women, tapa cloth and Christianity in a Papua New Guinea society." The Australian Journal of Anthropology (Special Issue: Gender and Christianity in Melanesia: Toward a unified analysis) 27, 185–205

Berrocal, María Cruz and Sidsel Millerstrom  2013. "The archaeology of rock art in Fiji: evidence, methods and hypotheses". In Archaeology in Oceania 48(3): 154-65.

Boissevain, J. ed. 1996. Coping with tourists: European reactions to mass tourism. Providence RI: Berghahn Books.

Bolton, Lissant. 2003. Unfolding the moon:  enacting women's kastom in Vanuatu. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Carlier, Jean-Edouard. 2005. Archipels Fidji-Tonga-Samoa: la Polynésie Occidentale. Paris: Galerie Voyageurs & Curieux.

Clark, Kevin. 1984. Handcraft trade in the South Pacific: A case study [Fiji and Samoa]. NZCTD Pacific Handcraft Research Project Report No.2. Wellington: New Zealand Coalition for Trade and Development.

Clunie, F. 1986. Yalo i Viti: a Fiji Museum Catalogue. Suva, Fiji Museum.

Cowling, Wendy E.  2009. "The Lapita motif that ‘got away’". Sites n.s. 6(2): 57-79.

Cross, Pamela J. & Richard Wright 2015: "The Nikumaroro bones identification controversy: first hand examination versus evaluation by proxy—Amelia Earhart found or still missing? IN Cross & Wright, The Nikumaroro Bones and Amelia Earhart.

Crowe, D. & D.Nagy, 1991. "Cakaudrove patterns". Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai, Szeged (Hungary) 63 (Intuitive Geometry):78-84

Crowe, D. & D.Nagy, 1992. "Cakaudrove-style Masi Kesa of Fiji", Ars Textrina 18 :119-155

Crowe, D. Symmetries of culture. Online article accessed 20/3/2002

Edmundson, Anna, and Chris Boylan. 1999.  Adorned: traditional jewellery and body decoration from Australia and the Pacific [exhibition catalogue]. Sydney: Macleay Museum, University of Sydney

Femenias, Blenda. 2010. "In cloth we trust." Reviews in Anthropology 39(4): 258-287

Forsyth, Miranda  2015. "Branding, certifying and authenticating in PaciÞc Island countries". Ch.7 In: Weaving intellectual property policy in Small Island Developing States.  Forsyth, Miranda and Sue Farran (eds.), Cambridge, Antwerp , Portland OR: Intersentia. pp.205-36.

Franklin, Adrian. 2003. Tourism: an introduction. London: Sage.

— 2018. "Art tourism: a new field for tourist studies". Tourist Studies 18(4) 399–416

Franklin, Adrian and Mike Crang  2001. "The trouble with tourism and travel theory". In Tourist Studies 1(1): 5-22

Goldson, Barry,  Michael Lavalette, and Jim McKechnie. 2003. Children, welfare and the state. London, Sage.

Greig, I. 2009.  “’Not quite theorist, not quite artist’: the place of the exegesis in studio-based Research Higher Degree”, ACUADS Annual Conference: Interventions in the Public Domain, 30th Sep–2nd Oct 2009. [Viewed 10th July 2011]

Grubba-Thiede, Dorota.  2020. "(Bio) Diversity of research on art. On the scientific, publishing and community-integration works of Professor Jerzy Malinowski. Context of the Polish Institute of World Art Studies", in: Emanations. To Professor Jerzy Malinowski on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Tako Publishing , Warsaw-Torun´ , pp.31-36.

Haddow, Eve. 2014. Material culture of Fiji. Online article accessed 19/4/2019. Edinburgh: National Museums of Scotland.

Hooper, Steven. 1995. "Gatu vakaviti, the great barkcloths of Southern Lau, Fiji." IN D. Smidt, P. ter Keurs and A. Trouwborst (eds). Pacific material culture: essays in honour of Dr Simon Kooijman on the occasion of his 80th birthday (Bulletin #28). Leiden, National Museum of Ethnography.

Jewell, R. & J. Lloyd. 1998. Pacific designs. London: British Museum.

Jones, Terry L. , et al . 2011. "Summary and conclusions". Ch.14 In: Polynesians in America: Pre-Columbian Contacts with the New World.  Jones, Terry L., et al (eds.), Lanham MD: Alta Mira Press. pp.263-350 (from xix + 59).

Kaeppler, Adrienne L. 2005. “Animal designs on Samoan siapo and other thoughts on West Polynesian barkcloth designs.” Journal of the Polynesian Society 114 (3):197-226.

Kjellgren, Eric.. 2007. Oceania: art of the Pacific Islands in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art & New Haven & London, Yale University Press

Lakomska, Bogna.  2020.  "Znaczenie Gegu yaolun— ???? – XIV-wiecznego poradnika antykwarycznego dla rozwoju wiedzy i kultury materialnej Chin". In: Emanations. To Professor Jerzy Malinowski on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  Geron, Ma?gorzata (ed.) Warsaw-Torun: Tako Publishing. pp.155-62.

Lal, Brij V. and Michael Pretes  2001. Coup: reflections on the political crisis in Fiji. Canberra: Pandanus Press (Australian National University).

Lin, Hao-Li, 2015. Vanua as environment: conservation, farming, and development in Waitabu, Fiji. PhD thesis (Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences). University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA.

Mallon, Sean. 2002. Samoan art & artists: O Measina a Samoa. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press.

Manansala, Paul Kekai. 2006. Quests of the Dragon and Bird Clan.

Mataiciwa, Rokoua  2020, 1 Oct. "The distorted delusion. A study of the perversion of iTaukei identity”. In Na iTukutuku Me Kilai Raraba: Vol. 1. (Research paper.) Suva: University of the South Pacific.

Mayhew, Louise R. c.2011. Jill Posters Will Be Prosecuted: Australia’s women-only print collectives from the 1970s and 1980s. College of Fine Arts, University of New South Wales

Meijer, Vincent  2012. Continuity and change in Polynesian visual symbolic systems: an inter-island comparison of the context of turtle motifs on natural and anthropogenic stone in Polynesia. MA in Comparative Art & Archaeology thesis (UCL Institute of Archaeology). University College London.

Miller, Cara et al. "Cetacean diversity, common occurrence and community importance in Fijian waters." [CSIRO] Pacific Conservation Biology 2016.

Millerstrom, Sidsel and María Cruz Berrocal  2009, May. "Fijian rock art sites revisited". In Rapa Nui Journal 23(1): 40-47
—  2010, Oct. "Fiji revisited: a field report of the Rock Art Survey Project, 2009". In Rapa Nui Journal 24(2): 27-35

Nainoca, Winifereti U. 2011. The influence of the Fijian way of life (bula vakavanua) on community-based marine conservation (CBMC) in Fiji, with a focus on social capital and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK)  PhD thesis, Massey University.

Nath, Nirmala Devi.  2011. Public sector performance auditing and accountability: a Fijian case study. PhD in Accounting thesis (School of Business). University of Waikato, Unpublished ms

Necker, L. 1987. Étoffes Cosmiques; les Anciens Tapas d'Océanie. Geneva, Museum of Ethnography.

Neich, R. & M. Prendergast. 1997. Traditional tapa textiles of the Pacific. London: Thames & Hudson.

Norton, Ruth E. 1990. "Technology of plant materials used in artifacts". Ch.3 In: The conservation of artifacts made from plant materials.The conservation of artifacts made from plant materials  Florian, Mary-Lou E. Dale Paul; Dale Paul Kronkright and Ruth E. Norton (eds.), Philadelphia PA: Getty Conservation Institute, Princeton University pp.83-138.

Phillips, L. et al. 1999. Art of the Pacific Islands (CDRom). Honolulu: Pacific Resources for Education and Learning.

Pigliasco, Guido Carlo.  2014, March 13. "The innovation of tradition: (participant) observations on cultural heritage lawmaking in Fiji". IN Anthropology News, American Anthropological Association: Arlington VA.

Poole, M. and G.Swafford. 1993. "Bitter sweet: the broad context of research and music education in Australia" in Research Studies in Music Education 1(1):2-12

Riles, Annelise. 1998, Sep."Division within the boundaries" [Part-European land division in Fiji]. In The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 4(3): 409-424

— 1998 "Infinity within the brackets". American Ethnologist 25(3): 378-398

Rjabchikov, Sergei V.  2014. "The god Tinirau in the Polynesian art". In Anthropos 109: 161-76

Sloan, James and Kevin Chand.  2015. A review of near shore fisheries law and governance in Fiji. Suva: Siwatibau & Sloan, Barristers and Solicitors.

Spenneman, D. 1987. "Saulaca: Fijian sail needles" in Domodomo: Fiji Museum Quarterly 4(2):82-97 Suva, Fiji Museum.

Spicer, Catherine & Rondo Me. 2004. Fiji masi, an ancient art in the new millenium. Self-published. Gold Coast (Qld).

Stephenson, Elsie. 1997. Fiji’s past on picture postcards. Suva, Caines Jannif Group.

Storey, Alice A.; Andrew C. Clarke and Elizabeth A. Matisoo-Smith  2011.   "Identifying contact with the Americas: a commensal-based approach" In Polynesians in America: Pre-Columbian contacts with the New World.  Ch.7.  Jones, Terry L.; ‎Alice A. Storey and Elizabeth A. Matisoo-Smith (eds.), Walnut Creek CA: AltaMira Press. pp.111-38

Tarabe, Akanisi 2014. "Balawaviri‘i: an indigenous pathway to health and well-being". Presented to the International Indigenous Development Research Conference 2014,  Auckland (NZ).

Terziyska, Ilinka."Local products and festivals: the tourism perspective." Bulgaria.

Thode-Arora, Hilke. 2001. Tapa und tiki: die Polynesian-Sammlung des Rautenstrauch- Joest-Museums. (Bestandskatalog, Ethnologica Neue Folge Band 23). Köln[Cologne]: Gesselschaft für Völkerkunde, Verein zur Förderung des R-J-M der Stadt Köln  [Anthropological Association, Society for the Promotion of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museums of the City of Cologne].

Tomlinson, Matt. 2012. “Passports to eternity: whales’ teeth and transcendence in Fijian Methodism" in Flows of faith 215-231

Wallis, Robert J.  2002. "The Bwili or ‘flying tricksters' of Malakula: a critical discussion of recent debates on rock art, ethnography and shamanisms". In The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 8(4): 735-60

Whamond, Ashley. 2012.  “Echoes of formalism: art theory and creative research”, ACUADS Annual Conference 2012 Region and Isolation: The changing function of art & design education within diasporic cultures and borderless communities.


Plus a number of reviews of R.Ewins' books and articles in journals.


Anthropology & Art Publications


1981 Vanishing Landscape (Penny Smith Ceramics). Adelaide,Festival Centre Gallery

1987  “Centre for the Arts”, Pottery in Australia.  Aug:60-61 (5 col.illustr.)

1988  Benjamin Sheppard [biography] in Australian Dictionary of Biography  v.11.

1988 "Shocking diversity" [Exhibition review]. Hobart Mercury.

1991 (with E.Colless) Igor Podolchak: Ukrainian Printmaker. Hobart, Tasmanian School of Art (12p,6ill)

1993  “Establishing credibility for art research within ‘old’ university communities and funding bodies”, Seni 3(3):50-55. Yogyakarta (Indonesia).

1994  “Art and the ARC: Surviving the flood, and flowing round the obstacle”, Papers and Proceedings of Third National Art Research Conference, Wollongong

1994  “The pursuit of culture and other forlorn endeavours” Online article

1998  “Social stress, art and community” in IMPRINT, The Quarterly Journal of the Print Council of Australia, 33 (Summer): 2-4






         UPDATED Feb 2021