1985-89 Photo-etchings

These are all photo-etchings on zinc plates -- for technical notes see Etchings Home page.


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1. The other side of friendship 1985  34.5cm x 29cm

2. The Edge of Memory 1985. 45cm x 35 cm

3. I'll Wear the Garlands You Gave Me 1986  56cm x 76cm

4. Just Love My Harley Davidson 1988  19.2cm x 23.4cm

5. Requiem 1989  12.8cm x 10.1cm

6. Pahoehoe I 1989 56cm x 36cm etching on steel prined on foil (preliminary print to BI Hawai'i Series)

© Ewins 2002 All of these images are copyright. They may not be reproduced in part or whole by any process unless their authorship and website details are clearly acknowledged.