Rod Ewins: Hawai'i Big Island Series

This series of etchings was made and first exhibited during 1990. All are aquatints on steel, and all except two are printed as "bleed prints" to totally cover 760 x 560 mm pages without margins. Those two are Banyan and Pahoehoe lava flow, each measuring 800 x 1200 mm.



  Black Sand Beach                                                                     Kona Coast


 The Great Wall                                                                    Crater and Vent


Small Akaka Falls                                                    Kilauea


Backwash                                                    Self-portraits

                      Banyan                                                                              Pahoehoe lava flow



© Ewins 2002 All of these images are copyright. They may not be reproduced in part or whole by any process unless their authorship and website details are clearly acknowledged.