Reviews of Books on Fiji

Rod Ewins

Where it is indicated that these reviews have been written for journals, copyright vests in them as well as in the author. In any other cases, copyright vests in the author alone

Confronting Fiji Futures  ed. Haroon Akram-Lodhi  (views of Fiji's political and economic prospects following the elections of 1999, which went to press just as Coup 2000 was occurring)

Fiji Before the Storm  ed. Brij V. Lal  (9 authors examine the issues and events that led up to the 2000 Coup)

Living on the Fringe  by Winston Halapaua  (the history and present plight of Fiji's Melanesian descendants of 'blackbird' labourers from the Solomons and Vanuatu)

Represented Communities: Fiji and World Decolonization by John D. Kelly and Martha Kaplan (compilation of 6 papers by the authors written since and dealing with the Coups of 1987 and 2000)

The Method of Hope: Anthropology, Philosophy and Fijian Knowledge by Hirozaku Miyazaki (anthropology theory based on the case study of the people of Suvavou Village near Suva, who in 1882 were dispossessed of the land on which the city of Suva now stands)

Moon Handbooks FIJI by David Stanley (Travel handbook with sections on various regions of Fiji).

LINK: Reviews by Rod Ewins of Books on other areas of the Pacific.