1983-85 'The Residence' series

This series of five photo-etchings concerns cycles of time and our relationship to place. It is based around a derelict house in my home town of Huonville, in the Huon River Valley, Tasmania, Australia. Formerly known as "The White House" and successively a gentleman's residence and schoolhouse, it was, at the time I made these prints, used as a hayshed. On going into it I was always strongly reminded of the wonderful Longfellow poem "Haunted Houses". So in these prints I have re-peopled it from photographs and tintypes of members of the family that actually owned the house, with the exception of the young woman in the final picture, a professional artist's model. The photographs were in the possession of a celebrated Huon resident, the late Alison McMullen, who was related to the family and who lent the photos to me to use (the man in After-Image was her father). A number of the images in the other 1980s etchings on this site also came from her collection. The Folio cover is a colour screenprint, the image taken from the most recent (1873) of the many newspapers used as lining paper under the wallpapers. Among other private and public collections, the series is in the collection of the Australian National Gallery and of Parliament House, both in Canberra. Review articles.  With the exception of the folio cover, these are all photo-etchings on zinc plates -- for technical notes see Etchings Home page.

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The Residence 1983. Screenprint, Folio cover 60cm x 49cm

1. The Residence 1983. 30.5cm x 46.5cm

2. After-Image 1983. 38.5cm x 29cm


3. The Way it Was 1983. 30.5cm x 45cm


4. Insight 1983. 40cm x 27cm

5 The Doll 1983. 50cm x 40cm 

  © Ewins 2002 All of these images are copyright. They may not be reproduced in part or whole by any process unless their authorship and website details are clearly acknowledged.