Rod Ewins: 1983-4 Photo-etchings

These prints relate to private concerns: time and place, human pretension and human mortality, and inter-personal relationships. They are photo-etchings on zinc plates - for technical notes see Etchings Home page.

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(1) The Topiarist 1983 (10x10cm) [Commentary]

(2) The Magic Show, With Albert's Rabbit 1984 (10x10cm)

(3) The Juggler 1984 (15x11cm)

(4) Snapshot 1984 (45x34cm)

(5) Happy the Bride 1984 (57x36cm) [Review]

(6) Ecce Homo 1984 (15x12cm)

(7) Father of the Man 1984 (46x61cm) [Review]

(8) Reflections 1984 (40x35cm)





© Ewins 2002 All of these images are copyright. They may not be reproduced in part or whole by any process unless their authorship and website details are clearly acknowledged.