Rob Wright Fiji Photographs

Rob Wright is without peer as a documenter of life in the British Crown Colony of Fiji during the third quarter of the Twentieth Century, indeed he is arguably the foremost photographer working in the Pacific Islands during that period. There is hardly a publication on any aspect of Fiji's life or geography at that time that does not contain images he produced in his capacity as Official Government Photographer between the early 1940s and 1969 (see Stuart Inder's article in People Magazine, 1961). Many of these, particularly those in official publications, are unacknowledged as his, but are unmistakable by virtue of their sheer quality, both technical and aesthetic. The photographs on this site were taken by Rob during the late 1940s and early 1950s. The prints used here were a gift on our departure from Fiji in 1957 to my father David Ewins, his friend since childhood whom Rob alone called "Puggy".

This site and all text is Copyright © Rod Ewins 2002-2011. Photographs are Copyright of the estate of the Late Robert Wright Snr.


 1. Towns

2. People

3. Scenery