*For non-Fijian-speakers, there is a short glossary at the end




The recent events in our country have exposed to the world the ugly face of Fijian nationalism, racism and extremism.

Son of Sam, the all round failed businessman, George Speight and a non-entity like Silatolu are but minor players in this game though none the less ugly for it. The faces behind these terrorists and thugs are far uglier. The soldiers of CRW and the failed SAS man Ligairi present the ugly faces of treason and disloyalty. Never mind what excuses they give of vanua, itaukei or Fijian supremacy - they are nothing but traitors and a shame to their fellow soldiers and a blot on the same of the Fijian army and the nation.

Even uglier are the faces of the ordinary Fijians and the members of the GCC, who encourage and support this violence, thuggery, pillage and hostage taking in the name of the vanua. This can be noted Fiji-wide in all provincial and tikina councils where the extremists are so loud and strident. They seem to have lost all sense of balance, fair play and humanity, and reverted to 'liumuri' that we are so famed for. What a load of bulldust when they talk of supporting the 'cause' but not the method!

Particularly ugly are the faces of people like Mere Samisoni, Vunibobo, Jim Ah Koy and many others including the writers of racist letters to the editors. These are the 'educated' part of our Fijian community, and yet they sound so small and vengeful. Does loss of political power really make them so bitter?

The ugliest faces belong to the so-called Christians - the ordinary members who looted and stole, who murdered a policeman, shot our soldiers, assaulted taxi drivers, robbed houses and burnt buildings. To this group belong the 'talatala' who preach brotherly love and sing hymns of praise while holding guns at the heads of their kith, kin and countrymen. How ridiculous and ludicrous can we be? After such barbaric display of Christian charity and love I have made up my mind never to enter another church as long as I live. I would hate to think that He lives in places and people who preach such evil.

Another ugly face belongs to the House of Matewalegi - its chiefs and foolish bati - whose naked ambition, greed and grab for power can be seen here. As a Fijian I would hate to see them in any national position of power. It is equally ugly to see Apisai Tora and Osea Gavidi trying to so cynically and ruthlessly manipulate the Western chiefs, especially the Tui Vuda. One can almost see them drooling at the mouth, trying to manoeuvre their way into some position of power and so to money. Do they take us for fools? We all know about their financial troubles!

Another ugly face(s) is that of the officials of the NLTB, particularly its manager. Their attempt to take advantage of this trouble to take control of native land away from the mataqali is dishonest and sneaky. It also speaks volumes about the political ambitions of Qarikau.

The almost bankrupts like Speight, Tora, Dimuri and Gavidi, came out the woodwork, hijacked the genuine grievances of the Fijian people and have brought shame and dishonour to our country, our people and the Fijian race. All the glory and honour won by the blood of our forefathers, fathers and brothers has come to nought. As the world heads towards progress and democracy, we, the taukei, head towards apartheid, racism and ostracism.

Particularly ugly are the faces of the academics that try to draw the evil of confused academic sophistry over our ugly acts. Such intellectual dishonesty does not say much for our intelligentsia.

The problem as I see it are not the Indians, though they form a good excuse. The problem is within our own community - its unwillingness to work hard, its willingness to believe and be conned by chiefs, conmen and defeated and discredited politicians. It is also a problem of not being able to face the truths of life and lack of honesty and integrity - a part of our 'liumuri' system.

We will drink grog (the) whole night long, discuss the vanua and Fijian supremacy, feel jealous and envious of the 'kai Idia'. We must look at our own faces in the mirror. Speight, a man who has always managed to survive on the hard work of others, may find this difficult to understand, but there is no such thing as Fijian aspiration without Fijian perspiration.

We are running around like maqe (monkeys) and becoming laughing stocks.

Josefa Vuki, Waiyavi Stage 5, LAUTOKA.

Short Glossary (arranged alphabetically):

bati - literally, border-dwellers, those who fall within the boundaries of authority of a chief or a confederacy paramount though not necessarily subjects (qali), and were expected to protect his borders. Rabuka was in such a relationship to the Governor-General, Ratu Penaia Ganilau, at the time he staged the Coup in 1987, and may be the subject of this sideways reference.

itaukei - properly, this term should apply to the original proprietors of a piece of land, traced back to the dim recesses of history, but it has become generalised to mean simply indigenous landowners. In recent years it has been hijacked by those pursuing indigenous "exclusive nationalism"

Kai - with roots in a place, so Fijians call themselves Kai Viti, and those whose origins lie in India are Kai Idia

liumuri - I am not familiar with the expression, but from its root-words would take it to mean following the ways of the past and/or following like sheep, though it could simply mean back-to-front.

mataqali - generally rendered as "clan", effectively the landowning units of Fijian society

NLTB is the Native Lands Trust Board, which controls all leases of indigenous lands

talatala - indigenous Wesleyan Methodist clergy

vanua - the land, entailing all of the identity Fijians derive from it, and their traditions "in the way of the land"